Friday, February 26, 2016

How To Use Video In Marketing Campaigns

How To Use Video In Marketing Campaigns is courtesy of MDIMS

There is no denying how powerful video marketing is. It is much more engaging to potential clients and customers than reading text. If you are not shy and don't mind being on camera, it also helps for new customers connect with a person, it's just more personal. Even if you don't want to be on camera and make a video with pictures, white board drawings and short video clips, at least you are doing something and not getting left behind by your competition that is using video. video marketing But what really makes a good video and gets the audience engaged? We found an article by Video Brewery that really helps break it down and gives you 5 good tips in planning out your next video for your company:

5 Things the Best Corporate Videos Have in Common

The digital age has ushered in a new era of corporate video production. The days of the cheesy infomercial are dead. Nowadays, your customers need to see witty, engaging videos that grasp their attention. They also need to effectively get to the point before they've moved on — easier said than done. While there's no exact formula for success, these 5 rules (perfectly outlined by the winners of our unofficial corporate video awards) are something that successful videos share.

1. They're short and sweet

Having quick and easy access to the internet has had one enormous repercussion, shorter attention spans. The fact is, the people you're advertising to in modern times will only briefly give you their attention. In the black hole of (mostly) free content that is the internet, video advertisements are often a roadblock to desired content. So how can you avoid being that roadblock? The first step is to have a concise script. For every second you waste elegantly wording a sentence, you're losing more customers who just want their content. According to The Next Web, only 30% of users don't skip YouTube pre-roll ads. Check out the concise script that GroupOn created for their video. They don’t waste any time getting to their main selling point, huge discounts!

2. They use humor as a hook

Another effective tactic employed by the best corporate videos is the use of humor. Humor plays two important roles in video advertising: it gives the viewer quality content which they actually enjoy and avoids positioning your company as a "salesman." Consumers generally don't like obvious ploys at marketing or selling a product. Simply telling them what the product is and saying "buy this" leaves them with some distaste. Instead, you should aim to achieve the same goals through quality content that connects with consumers, which is accomplished with some well-written humor (like in the pun-filled Dollar Shave Club video). Continue Reading the Article Here...
That's a really good post - and probably something that you should make a copy of and go over each time you make a video for your business just to make sure that you are covering all of those points of what it takes to make a good, engaging video. Did you know though that not only can you get video ranked in YouTube AND Google, but you can also use them to engage your customers more inside emails? It is a great tactic, and you can also make them more personalized for the individual you are sending it to for even higher conversions. This was actually studied by Jeff Gadway at VidYard recently:

Businesses See 500% Lift in Email Conversion with Personalized Video

Marketers live in challenging times. Our messages compete with 2,900 others daily for the attention of their customers and prospects. Inboxes are becoming more cluttered with the average person interacting with 121 emails each day. Attention spans are shorter now than every before (just 8 seconds…so I hope we haven’t lost you yet!). Email response rates are abysmal – just 18 percent of marketing emails get opened, and recipients only click through 2 percent of them. This all adds up to a clear and urgent need for new ways to drive engagement. Recently, marketers have discovered a new tool to stand out, get noticed and keep their audience engaged. It’s called personalized video and it’s proving to make a big impact, increasing email conversion by 500% or more! Personalized video allows marketers to reach each member of their audience on a one-to-one basis at a mass scale. Each recipient receives a custom video that includes information unique to them, woven right into the video itself. This could be something as simple as featuring their name, company name, job title, an image like a company logo, or a picture of their website at different points throughout a video. In addition to personalizing the video itself, each recipient receives a personalized thumbnail image to drive greater engagement. With Personalized video, the viewer becomes part of the story itself. But don’t take our word for it. Here are some great examples of how leading B2B companies have used personalized video, and the amazing results they’re seeing. Read The Full Story...
500%! That's a big number, and a number you can't ignore. Although it may be hard for your company to accomplish this if it is smaller and don't have the personnel and time to devote to it. Video HAS TO BE PART OF YOUR LONG TERM MARKETING PLAN!! Don't believe us still? Another study was done by, written by Troy Dreier that gives even more stats and helpful tips on creating your next video campaign:

8 Stats to Help You Plan Your Video Marketing Campaigns for 2016

While 2016 has just begun, it’s time for marketers to plan their campaign strategies for the rest of the year. Before you do, look at these eight surprising findings from Invodo’s “2015 Product Video Benchmarks Report.” The ecommerce video company crunched the numbers to find out what worked in 2015.

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  1. 42 percent: The amount that brand and retailer video views grew year-over year. Tip: Be bullish on ecommerce videos. The audience is growing.
  2. 150 percent: The amount that mobile video views grew year-over-year (compared to 24 percent for desktop). Tip: Make sure your videos play on mobile and look great on smaller screens.
  3. 200 percent: Mobile video views grew by this much year-over-year on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Tip: Plan your holiday marketing strategy now. It’s too big an opportunity to leave for the last minute.
  4. 12.4 percent: The view rate for ecommerce videos in 2015. Tip: Invest in online video campaigns. Shoppers are watching.
  5. 75 percent: 16- to 30-second long ecommerce videos enjoyed the highest completion rates, with three-quarters of viewers finishing them. Tip: Brief is better for product-related videos.
Finish Reading The Article Here...
We love Video Marketing. It has been a great way to get more leads for our Parent Company in Real Estate. The people that answer the phones there are constantly telling us how callers start off by saying "we saw your video and thought we would call". We gurantee you will see a lot more of our videos all across the web, we know how powerful Video Marketing is. Besides, we like doing it! It can be fun! In fact you should make sure that it is fun for you and your staff and that way you will WANT to make more videos! Click here to find out how we can help your business with Video Marketing!  

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