The following post Website Design With The Customers In Mind is republished from
We all know how important it is to have a website now days for your customers to find you online. But is your website easy to navigate so that your would be customers can find what the content they are looking for? That's what we are going to cover in this article. Being able to navigate your website is important. If a client goes to your site and can't find what they are looking for in a few seconds - they hit the back button and they are gone - money just flying away! Your site needs to be clear and concise, easy to navigate and give them the information they are looking for quickly. In an article done by Ross Marchant of Bright Local just made a post about this and how important a smart and concise website is to your consumer:
While the numbers aren't staggering at almost 40%, that is still a number that you wouldn't want to ignore. In today's internet age it's important not to forget about making your site be built for ranking well in the search engines, but must also have the consumer in mind as well. As well as having a concise and informative website, you need to also consider the content that you put on your blog for your consumers. You need to think about what they are looking for and not waste their time with information overload. This was addressed in a blog post by Henneke on Copy Blogger. The last thing you want to do is give your potential client information over load, which could be a turn off as well:What do local consumers want most from local business websites?
In 2014 we ran a survey that explored what local consumers want most from local business websites. We learned that most local consumers expected a local business to have a website. We also drilled down into what website features & content were needed to inspire trust in consumers and help convert browsers into actual customers. In February 2016 we re-ran the survey – with some minor alterations & 1 new question. We can now see how the past 24 months have changed in the eyes of the consumer. Do consumers see local business websites as more or less critical? Do consumers still expect the same features & content in order to trust a business? Or has the growth of mobile & tablet usage changed consumer attitudes & consumption in a major way? In the 2016 survey we had 800 respondents from the United States. The distribution of region, age & gender was pretty equal; we will follow up this post with a gender & age breakdown of the findings. Finish Reading The Full Article.....
Sean Rasmussen on his YouTube Channel gives some really good tips for content on your website. It's easy to get caught up in just worrying about getting your website ranked. Many people do build websites that are built revolving just that, getting to page 1 of Google, and don't think about the user experience at all. As you can see with all of this information - you MUST build your website not only to rank in the search engines, but must be user friendly as well so that your site does what is really most important, bring in new customers. We specialize in this delicate balance between the two. If you are in need of a web site or updating your existing website to be more user friendly, you can visit our site for the best Web Design Company in Atlanta! MDIMSolutions.com11 Common Blogging Mistakes that Waste Your Audience’s Time
Quick question: Do you know anyone who doesn’t suffer from information overload? We live in a world full of cheap information. At the push of a button we can get our eyes on far more ideas, blog posts, and news stories than we could ever possibly consume. It’s hard to remember — or imagine, if you’re a lot younger than me — when information was a scarce resource. But time is a scarce resource. It always will be. And with information everywhere, it is imperative that you treat your readers’ time with respect when they give it to you. Especially if you want to build trust with your audience so they give you more of their time in the future. Nowadays, words can seem cheap. It doesn’t really cost anything to publish more blog posts, send more emails, share our life with even more social media updates. But the idea that pixels don’t cost much is flawed. Occupying more pixels means taking up more time from potential readers. If you’re not adding value with those pixels, you could be wasting the time of your readers. And time is an irreplaceable resource. Time is precious. We all know it. So avoid the 11 common blogging mistakes below at all costs. They waste the time of your readers by contributing to information overload without offering value in returnBlogging Mistake #1: You love complexity
It’s often thought that complexity is a sign of academic achievement, intelligence, or sophistication. But the opposite is actually true. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. ~ Leonardo da Vinci A sophisticated blogger uses metaphors to illustrate abstract ideas. She tells simple stories to explain complex concepts. She appreciates the time of her readers. Read The Full Article......
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