Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Using Video To Grow Your Business

Using Video To Grow Your Business was first published on MD Internet Marketing Solutions

In honor of us launching our new page on Video Marketing today, we thought that it was only fitting that we make a post on the importance of marketing your business with video, and how to market with video. There is no doubt video is extremely important to your online presence. There are all kinds of articles on statistics of how video can increase user engagement and increase sales. You can do a search on any browser about Video statistics and how videos can increase your business. There are a few things that you do need consider before making a video, such as how long it should be. Jon Spenceley recently made a post about just that on the site

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Video Marketing How-To! You’ve probably heard us joke now and then that human beings have a shorter attention span than most goldfish, and sadly it’s not far off. If your content can’t capture your viewers interest in the right amount of time, they’ll bounce off to something else. So with that in mind, today we want to talk about the best lengths for your video content at every stage of the funnel. These are all best practices – and your audience may vary – but let’s dive in. Starting at the top of the funnel, educational, fun content that’s designed to get people excited about your industry should be kept short. TV commercials are generally 30 seconds in length for a reason, and you can apply the same ideas to your online video. For social content, keep it short—Instagram will cap you at 15 seconds, and while you can post long content to Facebook, people’s attention spans are short. For YouTube you can go a bit longer, but we don’t recommend going much past a minute and 30 seconds. You won’t see many people getting to the end of your video unless it’s truly memorable. Moving through the funnel to the learning and evaluation stage, you can start to get a bit longer for this content, as people are already interested enough in what you do to want to interact with your video. Demo videos can be a few minutes long, and your content can start to talk a bit more about why you, specifically, can solve your prospects’ problems. Don’t go much past 5 minutes though – try to focus your videos on one aspect of your product, or bundle them based on your personas, but don’t hit people with a full 45 minute demo yet. Continue Reading Here.....
  So as you can see, the length of your video is very important for keeping your audience engaged.  To long and they will tune out. It's just part of how fast paced our world is now with people having shorter attention spans. Great article worth the read, and a good video as well. To further emphasize how important video marketing is to your business, Carla Marshall from recently made a post about how by the year 2020 how much traffic on mobile devices will be for video:

By 2020, 75% of Mobile Traffic will be Video [Cisco Study]

75-percent-mobile-traffic-video-1000x600  Image Credit

Mobile data traffic is increasing at a huge rate, and a new study from Cisco confirms that by 2020, video will account for a staggering 75% of that traffic. That's up from 55% in 2015. The statistics for North America are even higher, coming in at over 77%. Cisco’s latest annual Visual Networking Index forecast (VNI) states that mobile data traffic has grown 400-million-fold over the past 15 years, and the increased number of users, mobile devices, and innovations in technology are driving mobile video consumption through the roof. The study predicts that by 2020, there will be more than 11.6 billion mobile connected devices, exceeding the world’s projected population at that time (7.8 billion). That's going to have a huge impact on video traffic. Continue Reading Here......
No doubt mobile is very important, especially since mobile searches overtook desktop searches back in May of 2015. So as it stands now, if you aren't using Video to reach your potential clients and customers you will be loosing them to your competition that is. Finally we found this great video that interviews Jeff Gadway who was at BlackBerry and is now at that explains even more about Video and how you can use it in your marketing funnel to inform your customers and clients: So no doubt, Video Marketing is here to stay. If you aren't already using it in your marketing for your business, you need to, even if you aren't hiring us to do it for you. If you don't start getting your business on YouTube and other Video sharing sites you will be loosing customers now to your competition and in the future as well. For more on our video marketing services click here.....

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