The following blog post About Us And Marketing Your Business On The Internet is republished from MDIMS
Everyone is on the internet now. Long gone are the days of slow dial up and it being faster to look up a business in the phone book. Who even uses a phone book anymore? My name is Ken, and I am the CEO of MD Internet Marketing Solutions, an internet marketing company that was originally started just for Real Estate Professionals. Since opening the company I have received a ton of requests from other companies outside of Real Estate asking us to do their SEO. So recently we have started performing SEO for businesses outside of the RE profession. I formed this company to help other Real Estate Professionals, and now other types of companies, reach the level of success that I have enjoyed with online marketing and the revenue that it produces for our own Real Estate investment company. Years ago, I personally owned an autobody shop. I handled all of the marketing for the company. Things were a lot different back in 2002 when I first had a website built and ranked on Google. My initial investment for the site was 5k and then ranking the website was a lot easier back then and it cost me roughly $500 a month. We were also marketing through the phone book and various other print publications, and the cost of print was about $1500 a month. I tracked the results by asking customers how they had heard about us or found us and I had some very interesting results back then. The shop received roughly 4 to 1 customers from the internet vs. publications and the internet was 1/3 the cost, and that wasn't it. We saw a defining line in age, from 45 and under came from the internet and older came from publications. That was over 10 years ago! Even the older population has become more tech savvy and have smart phones and search the web for services. Even my own mother at the age of 72 has a smart phone that she uses for web search. What does that mean for Businesses and Real Estate Professionals? It means that you can not afford not be found on the internet, if you do not have some sort of web presence ( i.e. Website, FaceBook, Youtube, Twitter, to name just a couple of the many), you are not getting as many leads and less leads means less money. In fact, just having a website isn't enough anymore. You must have some sort of Social Media presence where you can also get reviews to help boost your brand. Where are people turning to find Real Estate Professionals and other businesses? They may possibly ask a friend or family member, or possibly a work colleague who they know. Interestingly enough, according to a post in Yelp in April of 2012, 85% of the people surveyed were just as likely to turn to the internet for a service as they were to ask someone for a recommendation. There are numerous ways to get your company name and brand out there to the masses. Of course the main stay is your company website. With your website you can work on it to get organic results ( the results on a search page that appear under the ads). PPC or pay per click is also another way to drive traffic to your website and more clients. Then there are countless social media sites like Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and so many more. And lets not forget about all of the directories also like Yelp and YP online. I also own a Real Estate Investment Company, and with it we have found that the internet is the best place for us to collect more leads from motivated sellers for houses to flip and also buyers for our renovated properties. We have used almost all of the different platforms and know what works best for who in Real Estate and other professions. We learned how to dominate with our website through organic search as well as Youtube, and Facebook and also get these social platforms to rank in the searches for keywords that people are using to find our services. This is great because we are taking up more "real estate" on page one and pushing someone else off giving ourselves a better chance of getting that lead. We have helped countless others get more phone calls and more leads in their inbox. Realtors, Hard Money Lenders and Home Stagers to name a few different Real Estate Professions who have reaped the reward of online marketing and online dominance in working with us. Now we want to give back. We want to help today's Real Estate Professionals as well as other Professionals with advice and "how to" information on dominating your local market through internet marketing. Stay tuned to our website for posts on how to help take your online marketing to the next level. Totally free content that you can use and implement into your business today to start getting more leads and making more money so that you too can reach your financial goals and take your business to the next level. I know this post is a little long, but starting next week you will be able to check out all the great info we will have. Our site is also still under construction, so stay tuned to see what services we will be adding. Click the link to check out our SEO services in Atlanta:
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